Thursday, January 17, 2008

Birthday presents.

If you decide to write someone a story for their birthday, try to know exactly when said birthday is. It's also best not to give them a novel, not unless you are slightly more prepared when it comes to birthdays than I am. Six weeks will not leave you enough time. But back to the point. Check the date, before you plan your schedule. It is inconvenient for a March deadline to suddenly become a February deadline in the middle of January. Trust me.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Well, I'm living up to my title-declared infrequency. Many other things have also been infrequent in the past month. My writing, best intentions aside, has lapsed. Christmas and work had a justifiable claim on my attention, but they cannot excuse the amount of time spent not-doing. Not-doing fills in far more of my time than is healthy.

So with this in mind, I will pretend I do not know the meaning of the words "Heroes 5" and take myself to bed, and plan to tomorrow discover the meanings of the words "self discipline" and "determination".